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Univision Awards MurphsLife: "Most Impactful Hero" 2021 - Primer Impacto

"Aaron Murphy" (MurphsLife) was recently awarded "Most Impactful Hero of the Year" by Univision's Primer Impacto.

With a backpack on his shoulder, this man travels through Latin America looking for someone to extend his helping hand.

Aaron Murphy is a Canadian who, through his social networks, tells of the difficulties that many migrants go through in different Latin American countries, which has allowed him to receive various donations and put them at the service of those who need it most.

See full Univision's full news article HERE on their website:

Con una mochila al hombro, este hombre recorre Latinoamérica buscando a quién tenderle su mano solidaria

Aaron Murphy es un canadiense que a través de sus redes sociales cuenta las dificultades por las que atraviesan muchos migrantes en diferentes países de América Latina, lo que le ha permitido recibir varias donaciones y ponerlas al servicio de quienes más lo necesitan.

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